Saturday, April 26, 2014


The Yin Butterfly pose has the feet further from the hips than in baddhakonasana. You can feel a stretch in the back with out having to stretch the hamstrings.


  • Place a blanket under the ankles for comfort
  • supporting the bones of the legs with blocks will allow the legs to rest also they won't be pulled beyond the edge.
  • Use a buckled strap around the ankles and hips to support the legs
  • A block can be used between the feet to intensify
  • Raise the feet by resting them on a bolster for another intensifying addition(pictured)
  • lay the back on the floor and place the legs in butterfly with the outer feet and ankles against the wall

Reclined still allows for hip and thigh stretching but takes the back out of flexion and on to a bolster.


Bananasana is a wonderfully even side body stretch.
In banana we get to use the prop to keep the pose from sliding. The bolster acts like a door stopper that helps prevent the legs from rolling out of the pose when relaxing.  Without the bolsters, it would use more muscular energy to hold the pose than you want in a yin posture. Some people's shoulders might be bothered with the arms straight, try folding the arms or using a blanket or bolster under the forearms.


This forward fold brings space to the spine while compressing the digestive organs in front. The more relaxed the back can get, the better.
  • Prop the hips up with a folded blanket or a bolster so that the front of the hips move forward. Gravity is coming straight down so you want the torso over the legs to have it working in your favor.
  • I like to place the bolster on blocks rather than on the legs so the knees are not pushed down.
  • Rest comfortably on a bolster to allow the muscles on the back to release. We don't want to stress the muscles because once they are relaxed the stress goes on to the ligaments where it is wanted.
  • Someone with tight hamstrings can could lean the head and/or arms on to a chair or a bolster in the vertical position with or without blocks. 
  • If you need to keep the back straight use the wall as a prop with the backs of the legs against the wall and the back on the floor. 
  • If the hamstrings are really tight it helps to add a bend to the knees and stuff a rolled blanket underneath. Then bend forward at the hip creases.

After one minute you may check to see if your comfortable removing any props. Or possibly sliding the prop away slightly to get deeper into the pose. After another minute check again.

Friday, April 25, 2014


What is happening in Sphinx pose?
Practicing Sphinx causes stimulation of the sacral-lumbar arch. The spine is supported at the base by the sacrum and the sacrum by the ilium. The sacroiliac joint is where they meet. The sacroiliac joints contain many ligaments(connective tissues) that are effected by hormonal changes especially in women. You might feel its effect at the beginning of a menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, and lactation. The hormones released in the female body are responsible for relaxing the ligaments in this joint and it can become overly mobile.
In Sphinx muscles in the shoulders and upper back and neck are contracting so there won't be complete release. The area that we are focusing on releasing is in the low spine and hips.
If you can't feel comfortable without clenching try some of the props. Also the shoulders might become tired so put a bolster under the armpits and take some strain off of the shoulders and the upper back softens. Or try changing the position of the arms and hands. You may use a block to rest the weight of the head on, or bring the hands to chin. To feel the compression move into the low spine take the elbows more forward. You can also create a stronger sensation by using a blanket under the elbows, making the shoulders taller doing so also creates space in the back. (all are pictured below)

Take the weight of your head out of the equation. 

This pose is nice for pregnant OR robust folks as well. Place a bolster under the hips or upper thighs and blocks under the elbows. We just created space for a belly using props.

Virasana or saddle pose

Props in use:  Bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks

This pose is a back-bend. It stretches the quadriceps and psoas, front of ankles, opens front of shoulders and chest

Some Key points to Saddle: 
  • For a deeper back-bend, remove the blocks from under the bolster.
  • Both sit bones are grounded. This is why I placed a folded blanket between the heels.
  • There is a blanket under the head so it can be adjusted for comfort.
  • Shins lie flat so that the knees are level with ankles
  • If it is uncomfortable try only bending one knee at a time.
  • If ankles don't straighten use a small rolled blanket under each ankle.
Roll a blanket to support ankles that
 don't release to the floor 

This set-up can be used for many poses. Bring the soles of feet together into a butterfly pose, or both legs straight, or both legs bent with feet placed on the floor.

Importance of props Yin Yoga

In a Yin Yoga practice you will want to be still and relaxed. This can be hard to achieve in some poses because the body may be stiff or have a smaller range of motion in the joint that is being worked. When we get in to a pose and the force of gravity is working against us in such a way that we are using muscular engagement to hold still, the pose can not be held for long. When the muscles are able to fully release the connective tissues are then allowed to be stimulated.
Fortunately I will show how you can use props in your practice and reap in the benefits of each pose even when you may be miles away from the fullest expression you might be imagining of a pose.

  • before you begin a practice have your props available at arms reach. You won't feel like going and getting them during practice and will probably just tough it out without your props.

Bernie Clark's 6 Uses of props

  1. Increase Stress
  2. Decrease Stress
  3. Increase Comfort
  4. Make Asanas Accessible
  5. Allow Relaxation to occur
  6. Create Length and Space

Props for Yin Yoga (besides your mat and quiet space)

Blankets or towels, Yoga blocks, Bolsters or pillows, cushions, sandbags, Strap or belt, a wall, a chair, a timer, layers of clothing(it can get colder as the body becomes still)